Its sharing time again, and today I want to tell you guys about some friends of ours who, on my opinion, are far more awesome musicians than we are. (sorry bandmates =P) They are the freakingly heavy and technically insane Kneel on Nails! Hailing from Novaliches and Fairview, Quezon City, its kinda hard to describe their sound because you'll kinda hear a lot of everything in their music. A mix of the heaviest riffs that suddenly shift to jazz licks and then to some dance grooves and back again. The best way for me to give you a hint of their music is to compare their sound to that of the foreign band called Dillinger Escape Plan, only they're more friendlier sounding hehe. Raw and wild but still very musical. They did release an EP not so long ago but they hadn't really pushed it so much because they rerecorded a new EP with our very own Tower of Doom Studio which will be out as soon as KON actually goes and shares it with all of us.And you should see them perform live, no recording can ever do justice to the experience that is KON. Personally, I think the show stealer of this group has got to be their drummer, John. I describe his drumming as technical but very very weird, but in a very good way. Good because he's the only drummer I ever heard doing such drum techniques. It's a blast just watching him. At a usual KON performance, you would often find fellow drummers and non-drummers standing behind or near John while he's doing his thing. Some are after some new tricks but most are just in awe of his playing. That just shows how good he is! But of course John's drumming wouldn't really be anything if he didn't have some equally talented people to follow his beats and accompany him. This is where the rest of KON comes in, the different ingredients that create their wicked meal. With the equally technical playing of guitarists Danny Boy, Gj and bassist Mark, KON's mayhem has a body. And with Neil on the main mic, who screams,growls,shouts and of course sings like the best of them, KON becomes a complete package that demands respect!

But of course anyone who's been to a KON gig knows all of this. So it's time I tell you more about WHO KON is as of what I experienced with them. They are basically as fucking crazy as their music! A riot to hang out with and just really REAL people. But I'll let you guys in on some fun secrets about the guys. For starters Gj and Mark are always hassling and insulting each other and just leads to some great laughs for everyone, John's a fashion freak and always has the coolest clothes, a real trendsetter, Danny Boy can drink gallons of alcohol and still look like he's just had 2 bottles, and Neil has a HUGE...........shoe size haha! Hope that tickled your imaginations and I hope this post gets you off that computer chair and on the way to the next KON gig which, fortunately, is also with us! So it's double the delight! What ya waitin for? Let's get in kON!!!
Check out Kneel on Nails at Cheers!
nice band pic. hehehe!
approve this! hehe. by the way, why'd you put kneel on effin for the title? :p
Hahaha kasi they are EFFIN MONSTER MUSICIANS!!!
ah..ok..i get it. the F word. hahaha!
we love you dar and ink! besprens til death!!!!
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